Built on the Telegram platform and powered by Tokenized App Protocol (TAP) technology, SideFans is more than just an app; it’s a community where your passion and support for kickers translates into real digital value.
Become a member today: **https://t.me/sidekick_fans_bot**
[Send /start text to launch the bot]
📍Duration: August 16, 12:00PM UTC — August 23, 12:00PM UTC
Get ready for the first season of SideFans! The earlier you join the higher advantage you’ll have along the way. In this debut season, SideFans will feature 10 stunning hosts.
Your mission? Show your love by tapping on their pictures to send hearts (💗). The more hearts you send, the higher you climb in the rankings.
But it’s not just about the love; it’s about the diamonds (💎) you can earn!